Mornington Estates

Discovering Interior Design Trends for 2023

Interior design trends are constantly evolving, and 2023 is projected to be no different.

One trend that is expected to remain popular into 2023 is an emphasis on sustainability. People want to save energy, conserve resources, and help reduce their overall environmental footprint with their home designs. Home owners are on the lookout for LED lighting, solar panels, and energy-efficient insulation like never before.

For those looking to make a statement with their interior design, 2023 will bring many styles that combine neutral colors and modern shapes. Mornington Estates offers new construction homes that feature open floor plans, allowing homeowners to create unique layouts customized to their individual tastes. This trend also includes creative accents such as cork walls or metallic wallpapers that add a touch of personality while adding visual interest to any room in the house.

Technology is becoming increasingly integrated into our lives and this trend shows no sign of slowing down in 2023. Mornington Estates offers several options that allow homeowners to incorporate tech into their home designs. Homeowners can choose from voice activated lighting systems, automated thermostats, smart appliances, home entertainment centers, and more – all accessible through apps on your mobile device or computer. These features not only make life easier but also give your home a futuristic feel without sacrificing style or comfort.

Have you already imagined what your dream home might look like? We want to put you in a home so you can start those beautiful projects as soon as possible. Call or click to check our availability!