Mornington Estates

How to Calculate Your Home’s Square Footage

When calculating the square footage of your home, it is important to consider all of its components. This includes measuring the area of each room, hallway, and closet space. In addition to interior walls and rooms, any exterior elements such as balconies or patios should also be taken into consideration. Any bonus rooms or basements should also be added to the total square footage for an accurate measurement. When measuring, make sure to add up any additional areas such as nooks, alcoves, and bay windows as they can be easily overlooked. Furthermore, don’t forget to measure any outdoor living spaces such as decks and garages that are connected to the main building. Lastly, it’s important to remember that while most measurements will be made in square feet, some areas may need to be measured in other measurements such as inches or yards. By carefully considering each component of the home’s square footage when calculating its total size, you can ensure that you have an accurate estimate of its true value.

Measuring the square footage of a home can be a daunting task, but it is essential to know in order to make informed decisions on renovations and other projects. Calculating your house’s square footage involves measuring both the interior and exterior of your home.

Interior calculations start with each individual room or space. Using a tape measure or laser, measure each wall’s length and then multiply two adjacent walls together to calculate the area of each room/space. Add them up and you’ll have your square footage. When measuring multiple floors, be sure to measure both above-grade and below-grade areas such as basements or attics separately as they can affect overall numbers greatly given their often larger floor plans.

For exterior measurements, begin by calculating the area of all sides with visible siding including roof edge lengths where applicable, excluding any garage or deck areas from these measurements. To get an accurate calculation for tis external area it may also necessitate adding subtracting any dormers or other shaped roofs affected by non-traditional angles (eaves). Once you have calculated this total number add that number to your internal measurement for an exact calculation for your home’s square footage!